Jen White, Youth Leadership and Development Training.

It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that I am writing to endorse Esteem Designz to your program. I have been working alongside young girls for over 25 years and hope that this letter will be helpful to you as you evaluate this program.


As part of our youth leadership develop program we implemented a 6 week trial using Esteem Designz for teenage girls in years 7‐9. The program provided an opportunity for the girls to create age appropriate designs as a platform for ongoing conversations and next step solutions to pressures the girls may be experiencing in their day to day life.


I have used a number of different self esteem programs for girls in the past, but this one is distinct in the way it uses creativity as a platform for dealing with issues that impact this age group. The program seeks to focus on the inner qualities and strengths of each individual taking away the competitiveness that sometimes exists amongst this age group.

In addition to the individual benefits for the girls, Esteem Designz is developing network partnerships with other service providers and government agencies to develop understanding, partnerships and services including;

  • Jacaranda Cottage and other refuges in the Shire
  • NSW Police
  • Sutherland Council/Sutherland Service Inc.
  • Public Primary and High Schools
  • Local Business


I really believe that there are enough cultural pressures and messages imposed on this generation in regard to self image and that is why I highly recommend this program as a catalyst to help girls focus on their inner qualities in order to develop a healthy self esteem.


I highly recommend Esteem Designz if you are hoping to implement a program that will enhance a teenagers self image.